OPEN CALL a work period at art residency KHMessen in Norway. Deadline 30th September.
Kunstnarhuset Messen (KH MESSEN) is a non-profit organization supporting artists from all over the world, founded 10 years ago.
KH Messen is an artist residency with living space and studios for 5 artists and an artist couple (kids are also welcome too) at the same time. Every year 40 artists from all disciplines, come to visit Ålvik and KH Messen to engage with other artists and find concentration and inspiration to work.
In the house there is a graphic printmaking studio. Artist can apply for a minimum of one month up til a three months stay.
KH Messen is supported by Hordaland Fylkeskommune, Kvam herad, Norsk Kulturråd, Sparebanken Vest, Sparebankstiftinga Hardanger and Hardangerrådet.
KH MESSEN is situated in the village of Ålvik in the fjord landscape of Hardanger in Norway.
The town of Ålvik, initially farmland, evolved rapidly from the beginning of the 20th century when a hydropower plant was built to provide power for a factory producing ferro-alloys for the international metal industry. The town was built up around the factory for the workers to live in. All houses and infrastructure built from the drawings of one architect; Nicolai Beer. One of these houses were the large administrative building called Messen. Today owned and run as an artist residency by the artist organization Kunstnarhuset Messen.
Ålvik and Messen is found in the Hardangerfjord. To the north, large lakes on the mountain plateau create waterfalls and rivers running down the steep mountains from 1000 meters above sea level. To the south, the solid boulders continue downwards deep in the fjord to 900 meters below sea level.
It is rare to see the connection between the resources of nature creating the industry that creates a society so clearly as in Ålvik.
Bergen, one of the largest cities in Norway, is situated two hours to the west of Ålvik.
Bergen has several museums, art galleries, art schools and artist residencies. KH Messen is connected to organizations like Gallery KRAFT, Hordaland Kunstsenter (Art Centre) and AiR USF Verftet.
Use our online application form to apply: