Author Archive for: simone

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But we are proud to say that simone contributed 111 entries already.

Entries by simone

Open Studio Oktober

A visual impression of the colorful and dynamic open studio yesterday evening.We have seen interesting presentations of the artists: Son Seon Kyung (South Korea)Kerstin Mörsch (Germany) Lucia Veronesi (Italy) and (collaboration: All from two)Paul Burn (USA/Germany) and (collaboration: All from two) Thank you all for coming !

Open Studio October

Welcome to the Open studio on Friday 28. oktober from 19-21 October Artists: Paul Burn / USA / Tyskland  Lucia Veronesi / Italia Kerstin Mörsch / Tyskland Son Seon Kyung / Sør Korea

Open Call 2023

Applications are now open for a working period in 2023 at KHMessen in Norway! The Art residence gives time for reflection, research, presentation and production. We welcome visual artists, writers, composer/musicians, performance artists at any stage of their careers who are interested in exploring and expanding their work in a unique and supportive environment. KHMessen […]

Hardanger carpark 2022

Remember the Hardanger carpark at Messen? The artists Sjaak Langenberg and Rosé de Beer (NL) were responsible for that wonderful art project at KHMessen in 2012. It received a lot of attention in the papers both in the Netherlands as in Norway. It was a temporary project and the norwegian weather took it away. Now […]

Sublime Landscapes

Ninet Kaijser from the Netherlands was one of our last guest of this year for KHMessen. From now the artist residency goes into hibernation until the first of January when the new guests will arrive again. Ninet Kaijser makes drawings with color pencils. Her drawings reminded us so much of Norwegian landscapes that it suprised […]


Johild Mælen – I hus og hage – maleri 18. sept – 09. okt 2021.  Visningsrommet i Kunstnarhuset Messen opnar ein ny utstilling med maleri av Johild Mæland. Mæland er frå Hardanger og busett på Utne. Ho viser maleri med akryl på plate eller lerret. Ope Laurdagane klokka 12.00 – 16.30 Mer info på:


And KHMessen is finally OPEN again! We selected 5 artists from the Open Call to artists living in Norway, to come and stay at Messen in August. We are very happy to welcome: Bente Tømmerås Johan Söderström Eleanor Clare and Dillan Marsh Otto Tveit


Upcoming exhibition at Visningsrom KHMessen Utstillingen:“Kvardagar” Akvarell av Synneva Heradstveit 19. juni – 10. juli 2021.Ope laurdagar kl. 12 – 17Heradstveit arbeider med akvarell i eit minimalistisk formspråk mellom det kvasse og det flytande. Ho brukar få fargar og mykje vatn. Akvarellfargane er transparente, har stor lyskraft og kan framkalla rike koloristiske nyansar. Heradstveit sine […]


Upcoming exhibition at Visningsrom Messen22. mai – 12. jun 2021  Kwestan Jamal Bawan TEGN, TEGNING, TERRENG IIMaleri /teikning Mer info på side:

Messen Kunstpark

Messen Art ParkFrom April 2021 project Messen Art Park has started! During this month 3 artworks will be created and placed in the park located next to the residency. The first 3 artists selected to develop an artwork for the park are: Gabriel Johann Kvendseth (Norway), Aud Bækkelund (Norway) and Simone Hooymans (NL/Norway).