Author Archive for: simone

About simone

This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that simone contributed 111 entries already.

Entries by simone

Open Studio August

Thank you to all the artists who gave us a very divers and interesting Open August studio evening!   Núria Rion (Spain) / visual artist Ingrid Pasmans (the Netherlands) / visual artist Moira Bateman (USA) / Textile artist Kyle Berry (USA) / Composer and music teacher Eva-Maria Lopez (Germany) / visual artist Agnieszka Gotowała (Poland) […]

Open Studio July

Velkome til Ope hus på KHMessen !! torsdag 25 juli kl 19-21 Vi har en variert gruppe mennesker fra ulike disipliner; forfattere, foto, illustratører og malere.   Mer info på

Opening of the season KHMessen Art Park

Opening of the season KHMessen Art Park with new artwork by the artist Arne Ingvaldsen Saturday 27 April at 15.00 there will be a season opening with a new work of art in Messen Kunstpark in Ålvik. The artist Arne Ingvaldsen, from Bergen, has worked in Kunstnarhuset Messen in April and has created the new […]

Open Studio March

We at KHMessen feel so grateful and privileged that we can select and invite such fantastic artists for a residency at the Hardangerfjord. This was once again so visible and tangible when seeing and experiencing the work of these strong artists and wonderful women. Thank you for showing your works and processes and for being […]