Archive for month: May, 2020

Intern open studio

During the whole Corona lockdown time KHMessen has had the pleasure to enjoy the stay of three guests that had to expand their stay to three months. All three artists have enjoyed their time at Messen during the lockdown. It felt like a safe place to be and within the restriction they still had the freedom to cycle, swim and take walks in the surrounding, next to their intensive studio work.

One of the three, Marion Blume left Messen a week ago and now Olivia and Greg are at the end of their stay. So yesterday we held our monthly open studio with a selective group of visitors.

Olivia Brelsford-Massey (UK) showed her process by presenting a short video with animation inspired by foundings in and around the house and the magic of the fjords. And by showing small drawings of thoughts and playful assets for her video and objects in her studio.


Gregory Gan (Russia nd Canada) read an short story to us in his studio about the existence of his watercolors and how they are tangled with his life. We listened to his story surrounded by his beautiful watercolors and video works.

66 associations for 66 days

making sourdough
finding energy and inspiration in nature
finding back to nature
feeling itchy
overnight oats
morning coffee on the rocks
whales I haven’t seen but it is good enough to know they are out there
sleepless nights
sleepy days
the northern star
all kinds of weathers
spring, autumn and winter in one day
hard time
sourdough pancake
sourdough pizza
losing myself
finding faith in patience
learning to let time pass without feeling bad that nothing happened
there are just days
time flies
time stands still
movie nights
looking into troll caves
feeling hobbity
feeling blue
uncountable shades of blue
the freshest water and the cleanest air
feeling the freedom
being captured
no time
too much time
sticking my hand in moss
collecting wild garlic
zoom meetings
more ideas
hands on
hands off
peanut butter
frozen blue berries
factory sounds
waterfalls and streams
hiking and biking
being conscious
being careless
another hike
taking yourself for a walk
door handles
between mountain and fjord
more dough
How do we know that time has passed if we are imbedded in a dream which is so close to objectivity that it feels almost real?
Marion Blume. Ålvik, 05 May 2020