Open Studio August
Thank you all for a very inspiring Open Studio this August!
At Ivana Tkalcic studio, watching her new video works, made here during her residency at Messen. (Photos Christian Santana Prinz)
At the studio of Cristina Megia Fernandez.
(Photo Christian Santana Prinz)
Messen inspires…
The sketchwall in studio of Cristina Megia Fernandez.
At Asumi Hayashi studio.
Asumi´s mezzotint print demonstration.
Asumi Hayashi´s work.
Anna B. Hursh explaining her collaboration with Christian Santana Prinz at their studio.
Ana B. Bursh and Christian Santana Prinz collaboration.
Ross Donlon is reading his poems of Ålvik together with Kristin, who worked on the Sjøvegen book project together with Ross.