Archive for month: January, 2016

Exhibition Ellen de Vries

Ellen de Vries is a dutch photographer, living in Haarlem (NL), who was a resident of Messen during the summer of 2014.
The result of her stay is now visable, projected as slide show, on the windows of Galleri puls in Norheimsund. Until February 2016.

Interview with Ellen de Vries, after her stay in 2014.

What did your stay at Messen mean for your artistic work?
A stay at Messen gave me the opportunity to explore the region for making my photographic art work. In general: travelling and staying for a while in another place is valuable for me to broaden my view and to create my own photographic world.

What were the results?
I created new photographic work.  Back home I developed my films and made small prints. From a selection a made five photographic prints of one square meter. These artworks are exhibit on a exhibition of Noorderlicht. I hope this exhibition will travel to Norway! (and they did right now!)

What, if it did, did your stay mean for you in your artistic work and development?
I had the time to absorb the study of light; especially the blue light. More over; during my stay there were artist who also where interested in the phenomenon of blue light. That was very interesting and inspiring for me (explored new literature and new ways of thinking/seeing).

What did your stay do for your knowledge of Hardanger and Norway?
As a landscape photographer and social geographer I always explore the region. First on map and later in reality. Probably I have seen more of the Hardanger region then most inhabitants have…

How has the stay influenced your contact with other artists?
Very inspiring. Especial for the study of blue light, as I mentioned before. Hope to catch up again with some of the artist. Not only with the artists in the house, but also with artist who life in the region. Good reason to come back once again.

Source: Messen documentation website:

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